Special Offer

Get more of what you REALLY want.

The Free+Strong Lifestyle helps successful people like you navigate the modern world on your terms:

Life: Go from treading water in your successful life to surfing its waves like a champ.

Work: Go from lacking leverage and doing too much to leading from a position of strength and getting work done through others.

Relationships: Go from unhappily disconnected to happily connected with the people who matter most to you.

Parenting: Go from fearing you’ll regret how you’re raising your kids to feeling proud of what you role model for them every day.

Money: Go from secretly stressing about money to finding your path to financial peace of mind.

Our Special Offer makes it easy to get started.

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Free+Strong Lifestyle

The Free+Strong Lifestyle incorporates what many of the greatest minds, scientific research, and leading-edge scholars have figured out – but most people don't know or do.

It comes from a Harvard-trained researcher who spent 59,000 hours reading, simplifying, and synthesizing hundreds of relevant books, studies, articles, systems, and tools to deliver all that hard-won wisdom in an easy-to-consume-and-follow lifestyle.  Learn more.

Using the Free+Strong Lifestyle gives you an edge in every aspect of your life – helping you get more of what you REALLY want in the modern world.  Learn more.

Would it be a bad idea to try it?  If not, see our Special Offer.

Successful People Like You

When we say successful people like you, we mean:

  • Winners who feel they are no longer REALLY winning, in large part because the modern world seems to be forcing them to play games they can't win.
  • People who others look up to but who secretly feel somewhat “stuck” in their own “successes”.
  • Humans who have accomplished a great deal but still feel important things are missing from their lives.

Successful people like you take action.  We’re here to help.

Our Mission:

A better you and a better us.

The Free+Strong Lifestyle is designed to help people realize more of the life they REALLY want in the modern world.

And we believe increasing the number of Free+Strong people on our planet increases the probability of brighter futures for everyone, because we believe they inspire and deliver the ideas, businesses, and governments that advance our human race.

In short, the Free+Strong Lifestyle is designed to enable a better you and a better us. 

Harvard-Trained Researcher

Navigate the modern world on your terms and get a Harvard-trained researcher to do tons of heavy lifting for you.


Gives You An Edge

Get insights and tools (most people don't know or use) that give you an edge in every aspect of life.


Special Offer

For a limited time, get Free+Strong for just $59:

  • Introduction to the Free+Strong Lifestyle:  Receive months of insights and tools to help you live freer and stronger.  As alluded to in the "Gives You An Edge" video above, the Principles, and Principle-specific insights and tools, build on each other to systematically increase your ability to get more of what you REALLY want in the modern world.  This introduction is regularly priced at $199 and is included in this $59 special offer.
  • Friends & Family Bonus:  Discussing the Free+Strong Lifestyle with people you care about can speed your path to the results you want and enrich those relationships in the process. With this special offer, you can gift the Introduction to the Free+Strong Lifestyle to two people you care about – at no cost to you or them. 
In summary, get $597 of value for just $59!
I'll Take It!

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